Re: [usgp-nc] Discussion Has Begun on GP-US Proposal: ID 1062 - Disaccreditation of the Georgia Green Party

Submitted by dmkeil on Wed, 07/07/2021 - 21:58
Context - GNC Censored Post
July 7: replied to the claim by Steering Committee member Margaret Elisabeth that dissenters in the GPUS would wish to form a separate party; announced that a Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights had formed.


Date: Jul 7, 2021, 9:58 AM 
To: National
Subject: Re: [usgp-nc] Discussion Has Begun on GP-US Proposal: ID 1062 - Disaccreditation of the Georgia Green Party

This is to address Margaret Elisabeth's claim that someone would like to form "a new 'Gender Critical Green Party' if Georgia is disaccredited."

I doubt that very much. What is factual is that a Green Alliance for Sex-Based Rights has formed and that it approved a founding statement last night. Its members include activists who belong to state parties of the GPUS and others who are not in state parties but identify as Greens. It formed not to compete with the much larger GPUS, but to address the problem of the GPUS's current process of abandonment of the key values of feminism, grassroots democracy, decentralization, and diversity. 

The GPUS is fracturing, notably by the current proposal, which amounts to dismembering itself over gender ideology. Delegates can slow or reverse that fracturing process by asking questions and by voting "no" or abstaining on the current proposal. Yes, asking questions has a price, but every word of the current proceedings, spoken or not spoken, will echo in the future.

David Keil
Delegate, GRP(MA)