We'll have to file this simultaneously in the You can't make this stuff up, and the Truth is stranger than fiction categories.

The newly elected Forum Managers had campaigned on a New Sheriff in Town platform, with promises to put an end to hate-speech, which judging from the context, seems to mean speech which hurts feelings, invokes cognitive dissonance or introduces arguments beyond the capacity of the gender-ideology talking points to address. Except that this sort of gas-lighting, projection and adhominem attacks seem to be very much a part of the cancel culture playbook.
But if you are not already familiar with the work of Women's Liberation Radio Network, please do check them out, at the links below, breaking the sound barrier for five years now. A monthly hour or more of news, music and interviews from a feminist perspective.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <forummanagers@gp.org>
Date: Tue, May 11, 2021 at 9:37 PM
Subject: Notice of Advisory from the Forum Managers
To: David KeilDear Delegate Keil,
Your GPUS Affairs list message of May 11,2021, 11:58 am, with the
subject “International “Cabal working to undermine GPUS” is in violation
of list-serve guidelines found at
Specifically, your comments promoting a website
(https://womensliberationradionews.com/) and organization (WLRN) that
discriminates agains a community specifically supported in our platform
and national policy. This is in violation of Section D. Tone. Insults,
name-calling, sexist/sexual, racist, homophobic, or otherwise demeaning
or degrading comments will not be tolerated. … Hateful, abusive, and
threatening language [is] prohibited…Accordingly, the Forum Managers are issuing to you this formal Advisory.
This is your first formal Advisory in the past six months. Note that
three advisories in any six month period accrue to an official Warning.
Any further violations of list-serve protocols will constitute a 2nd
Warning, and result in pre-posting moderation of your messages by the
Forum Managers.The Forum Managers suggest that you keep in mind the business nature of
the forum list-serves, and to conduct dialogue there complicit with the
list-serve protocols at https://gpus.org/rules-procedures/#09.Thank you for your attention to this matter.
The Forum Managers
Holly Hart
Noah Martin
Rose Roby
Shannel Pittman (alternate)
From: DAVID KEIL via Natlcomaffairs <natlcomaffairs@green.gpus.org>
Date: Tue, May 11, 2021 at 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: [usgp-dx] International Cabal working to undermine GPUS
To: National Committee affairs discusion list
This is to contribute to the research about where Dialogue Not Expulsion
came from. One hypothesis, based on a series of tweets of a UK LGB
group, is that it is part of an international cabal like the one that allegedly
includes Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, and George Soros. I heard some DnE
people whispering strange words to each other last Friday. Now I know
from co-chair Elisabeth that they were words from the Kaballah.I have found evidence, however, going further back, to 2018. On June
15-17 of that year, a "privately organized" Women in Media Conference
occurred in Chicago. "Over 300 women were invited ... including world
famous feminists.WLRN was a key sponsor of this conference. The purpose of the conference
was to meet and greet face-to-face with women working in the feminist
movement to build our networks, share our skills and to dream together
for a better world"
Speakers included Julie Bindel, Sheila Jeffreys, Meghan Murphy, Gail
Dines, and Ruth Barrett.The initials "WLRN" offer sleuths a clue. They stand for Women's
Liberation Radio News (https://womensliberationradionews.com/).
It turns out that WLRN celebrated its fifth anniversary last week
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnSHswd0zmE ). Its first
broadcast, in 2016, featured an interview with Elizabeth Hungerford
on the history of the crime of feticide and the victimization of women
on such charges, including in cases of miscarriage. The five-year
retrospective is WLRN's sixty-first monthly broadcast.This web-based outlet has served women monthly with news, interviews,
and music. See its mission statement and staff info at
https://womensliberationradionews.com/about/. WLRN gathers women of
diverse ideas and backgrounds with the common goal of women's liberation. It is
one of many components of an independent women's movement. Feminists are
part of the same movement for justice and equality that created the Green
Party.Women throughout the world are leading massive struggles -- in Poland,
Mexico, and Myanmar, for example. Male-oriented political groups have
suppressed feminists and their ideas while claiming feminism and
democracy as values on paper. But the fragmentation of the male-led left won't
prevent the growth of a women's movement or a movement for social
change. That fragmentation may only speed the advancement of feminist leadership
in this broader movement.Here is where we pick up the DnE trail. The Women in Media conference
led not only to a growth in feminist organizing but also to some links
between feminists and male activists. One such activist, who hadn't paid much
attention to radical feminism, was shocked to learn that a feminist
conference in 2018 had to be "privately organized" (held in secret).He and others were so outraged at this evidence of suppression of free
speech that they joined with feminists for the purpose of resisting a
complete misogynistic disruption of the left. It turns out that a big
obstacle to the growth of a feminist movement is the active suppression
of feminist ideas by a gender-politics and gender-ideology cult such as we
see in the Green Party.This little historical detail may help solve the mystery about the
origins of the Greens for Dialogue not Expulsion. After the NC
expels the GaGP
if it does so -- Greens in and out of the GPUS will work with and in
this feminist movement. Listen to the segments of WLRN broadcasts of
2016-2021 to hear what the feminists in a future feminist Green Party
will be talking about.Crush the DnE and watch a feminist-led Green movement grow outside the
confines of the GPUS and its state parties.David Keil
Delegate, GRP(MA)